Monday, November 12, 2012

A little out of order

Okay, I realize this is totally out of order but, this is the email we got last week.  Sorry I didn't post it then. 

Hey everyone!
How are you all doing? I hope that everyone is well and that everything is going good. It sounds like there is all kinds of fun stuff going on. That is too bad that Stansbury lost in football so Books doesn't get to cheer in Rice Eccles Stadium, but it is good that you get to do Ragnar again! I hope that you have a great time!
Well things here are pretty good. Once again I didn't get to get my driver's license yet. I was 4 people from the front of the line and the entire system for the DMV place crashed and they didn't know when it would be back up. And so now I am in a library in the city to do my emails because our P-Day schedule is kind of messed up again this week. Unfortunately my cord to attach my camera to the computer is in our house, so I won't be able to send any pictures this week. I will send some next week though.
This past week was pretty good for me. It went by a lot faster than any of the other weeks that I have been here. It is kind of crazy to think that I have already almost been here an entire month. Sometimes the days are super long, but looking back it doesn't feel like I have been here that long.
This week we actually had some pretty good lessons with some of our investigators. We have one family who really likes the Book of Mormon and wants to be baptized, so hopefully they will be able to on November 24th, they just have to go to Church every Sunday before then haha. But it is really good to actually be teaching some people who want to hear what we have to say haha. It makes it a lot better than just trying to talk to people in the street.
This past week was pretty weird cus we had a lot of big meetings. On Halloween we had to be off the streets at 6:00pm because Halloween out here is not very friendly. People go around and shoot paintball guns and throw frozen eggs at people in the streets, so we had to go to a meeting instead of being out walking around haha. And then the next day, the 1st Councilor in the General Young Men's Presidency came and visited us, so we had a conference with him for about 3 hours. And the next day was my Zone Conference, which was another meeting that lasted about 8 hours. It was really good though. I really enjoyed this last week more than any other week I have had in my mission so far!
The other bit of big news is that a Wal-Mart opened up in my area, so everyone is pretty excited about that! Now I just have to hope that I don't get transferred so that I can enjoy it haha.
Well that's pretty much what has been going on with me this week! I hope you are all well, and I look forward to hearing from you again next week! Take Care!
Love you and miss you!
Elder Searle
P.S. oh yeah I have been receiving the Dear Elders. I got one from Dad, and Tawni, and a couple from Tina. So that still works! And thank you for sending them!! It is great to hear from you!

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